
Baby driver soundtrack the soundtrack
Baby driver soundtrack the soundtrack


So I would say Jon Spencer and the album “Orange” inspired me to make this movie.Īnd you’ve got a cameo by Jon Spencer in the movie, presumably as a way of thanking him?


And then it’s like, what is the story that goes with these visuals? So the idea that started it all off was: Maybe a getaway driver is listening to this song, and he’s actually trying to time out his getaways and literally have the perfect score for the perfect score.


At the time, I wasn’t necessarily, “This is a movie I’m gonna make.” But it was almost like the closest thing to having action-movie synesthesia, I would listen to that song and imagine this car chase. And I just started visualizing this car chase. When I was 21 and I was living in London for the first time, and had made my first low-budget movie but certainly wouldn’t have called myself a film director, and was completely broke and sitting in my bedroom, not sure how I was going to really break into the industry, I listened to that song a lot. But it sounds like it was a slightly less vintage track, “Bellbottoms,” by the Jon Spencer Blues Explosion (from 1994), that was really the instigating track for you and this project.Įdgar Wright: Yeah. You’ve got these chase sequences set to high-energy tracks from the 1970s by Queen, the Damned, Focus, and Golden Earring. On the morning of the movie’s release, Wright took time out from celebrating to talk with Variety about the kicks of creating a movie so infused with music that the characters actually talk about songs, on top of peeling out from bank heists to them. The automotive scenes tend toward recently underexposed, revved-up ’70s rock classics by the likes of Queen and Golden Earring, but the “Baby Driver” soundtrack also offers cuts of various styles and vintage from Beck, Brubeck, Barry White, the Beach Boys, and soul duo Bob and Earl, just to touch on Wright’s B-list. Wright is as much of a music geek as a tire-squeal fetishist, and time spent with this mixtape - whether it’s via the packed two-CD soundtrack, or just as it plays out to picture, very loudly, in theaters - is time few rock fans would regret.


That’s because vehicular mayhem and music compete for top billing in Edgar Wright’s action-comedy-romance, with the whole idea of “incidental” music going by the wayside as the director lets most of the 30-plus songs on the soundtrack play out at close to full length. Or, conversely, you could think of it as a playlist that happens to have a crime film attached. He records conversations had around him (almost always around and not with him) on an old-fashioned mini-cassette recorder, and then mixes them into songs with some wonderfully antiquated keyboard and rhythm equipment.īaby is a young man who creates remixes of his life.You could describe “ Baby Driver” as a car-chase movie set to rock and roll. The first one we see him create is called “Was He Slow,” using a question asked by an accomplice about Baby’s mental capacity as a hook. Much like Baby turns the world around him into music, writer/director Edgar Wright remixes the movies and tunes that have influenced him into the wildly joyous and fantastically entertaining “Baby Driver.” As CGI robots clang into each other and superheroes take to the sky, here’s Wright to ask if you remember how movies used to thrill us with a turn of phrase, a squeal of a wheel, a diving plot twist, or a romantic kiss. “Baby Driver” feels both influenced by the modern era of self-aware, pop-culture filmmaking and charmingly old-fashioned at the same time, which is only one of its minor miracles. It’s as much fun as you’re going to have in a movie theater this year. Yes, his name is “B-A-B-Y, Baby” ( Ansel Elgort). At least, that’s the name he gives people when asked, although he’s more often ignored.

baby driver soundtrack the soundtrack baby driver soundtrack the soundtrack

He’s the nearly silent getaway driver for a robbery syndicate managed by Doc ( Kevin Spacey), who organizes the crime, hires three criminals, and then puts them in Baby’s car. After a car accident as a kid left him with tinnitus, he spends the vast majority of his waking hours with ear buds in his ears to drown out the ringing.

baby driver soundtrack the soundtrack

Sometimes the world seems to respond to his choice, sometimes his choice seems to influence the world around him-either way, music is as essential to the success of “Baby Driver” as it was to “ La La Land,” maybe more.Īnd the world around him moves to the music on one of his many iPods-he has various ones for different moods.

Baby driver soundtrack the soundtrack